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Student well-being

On this page you can find all contact points regarding well-being and practical matters.

If you do not know who to contact, your first course of action should be to connect with either your academic advisor, a Confidential Contact Person (CCP), or a board member of your study association.

NOTE: websites only available in Dutch are indicated as such with a “[NL]”. If they have an English equivalent, this is indicated with a “[EN]”. A website without an indication means that the website is in English.

Study Related

Academic Advisor

For any questions regarding your study progress, personal problems, academic questions, and more.


Every study program has an academic advisor who knows everything about the program, the scheduling, the department, etc. For ways to plan your study program, study progress, catching up on lectures or exams because of illness, your choice of specializations and electives, please contact the department’s academic advisor. An academic advisor can also request students to come in based on study progress and they can also refer students to the student counsellor or psychologist.


For contact information: here

First Year Mentor

For first year students a mentor is assigned by the department. This person should be your first contact point for any questions regarding the study or the university as a whole.


The student mentor is a second year or third year (or further) student. He/she will help you with all your practical issues that may arise when you start studying at the university (e.g. registration of courses, online sources, redirection: where to find what or who and how) but he/she can also explain you about effective study skills (i.e., how to plan, how to study big books, how to prepare for exams). In the first few weeks, student mentors will meet weekly with their group of first year students, and as time goes on the frequency will depend on the important topics to be discussed with first year students. If you haven't been assigned a student mentor, please contact the academic advisor of your department.

Study Management Advisor

For questions or problems concerning managing your study, such as concentration, motivation, study-rhythm, planning, organising, and much more.


Studying demands considerable independence and discipline. If you are not satisfied with your study progress or your exam results are disappointing, then the TU/e can help you improve your study output. Study management consists of various forms of support: you can make use of individual coaching from one of the study management advisors, or work in a group.


For contact: here

Study Choice Advisor

For questions or problems regarding your study choice, such as wanting to switch to a different study programme or choosing a suitable master’s programme.


The study choice advisor can help you with questions pertaining to the study choice process. Questions can be related to doubts you have about your present or future choice of study and figure out what to choose. Moreover, it is also possible to discuss, and get insight in, which studies best match your interest and abilities together with the study choice advisor.


For contact: here

Personal Development

Skills Lab

For getting you in contact with professional trainers to make sure that you have the skills required to achieve your career goals.


At Skills Lab you can participate in many workshops related to teamwork, writing, presenting and much more, all to help you develop professionally. Workshops are open to every TU/e student.


Skills lab also provides online trainings (e-courses) that are designed to give you an introduction to, and focus attention on which skills you might want to improve. The e-courses are ideal to see where your interests are, and to further develop them using the skills libraries or our workshops of course.


For more information: here

Career Academy

For activities related to developing skills and career opportunities, as well as coaching and professional checks.


The TU/e Career Academy can help you navigate your way to the labour market by providing information, career-related workshops, and activities. They also provide individual career coaching. If you have any questions about your career path, the job application process, or want help finding a suitable future career, be sure to reach out.


For more information: here

Social Contact and Community

Study Association

CHEOPS, Study association of the Built Environment is the main study association of the faculty of the Built Environment. CHEOPS represents all the students of our faculty and protects the general interests of these students. CHEOPS organizes course related and leisure activities.


CHEOPS is located in the bridge connecting Vertigo and the Zwarte Doos where you can come by for a cup of coffee and a chat anytime you like!


For any questions, feel free to contact us at


For those searching for a dedicated community for international students, also open to Dutch students.


A community that provides a warm and welcome environment for the international students of the TU/e. With members from over 80 different countries, Cosmos provides a voice for the international students on matters related to the TU/e. They have several committees that organize activities, as well as the introduction day(s) for the new internationals at the TU/e in August every year. Despite its many internationals, the association also embraces Dutch students who are interested in connecting with and learning more about different cultures.


For more information: here


For those searching for a dedicated LGBTQ+ community.


Compass is an association with as a goal to celebrate diversity and expand their circle of like-minded people. They organize events open to all but centred around LGBTQ+ themes. They show their visibility as an LGBTQ+ community and create a community for people to meet and make friends.


For more information: here


For personal development and well-being.


TINT offers students the opportunity and a safe place to deal with questions related to personal development, the meaning of life, spirituality, mindfulness, and living in a multicultural diverse community. For that, TINT organizes events and workshops with a wide variety of themes such as self-leadership, identity, work-life balance, future dreams, burn-out prevention, mindfulness, among many others. Also, TINT welcomes students for confidential one-to-one conversations with a life coach who is happy to listen to what is in your mind, help structure your thoughts and to find your path again. Just feel free to contact any of TINT Life Coaches!


For more information: here


Lighthouse is a community of people who are struggling with different mental health issues They aim to support each other and share common experiences in the hope to feel less alone with our problems. To do so, they organize walk-in hours and support meetings focusing on the mental well-being of students and staff members. These meetings are open for everyone to join.


Info: Facebook  or   E-mail

Student Associations

For a community of students from across the university, not restricted to students from the same academic background. NOTE that the primary language at these associations is Dutch.


There are three students associations, Eindhovens Studenten Corps, a.s.v. SSRE, and Demos at the TU/e.


For more information: here

Sport Associations

For those who want to participate in sports and be active with other people who share similar interests to you.


ESSF is the student sports umbrella for Eindhoven. They represent all those using the student sports facilities, as well as the student sports associations in Eindhoven.


For more information: here

Culture Associations

For those who want to join a community that focuses on cultural/creative activities.


Scala is the umbrella association of the cultural student associations in Eindhoven, located in the Luna building on the TU/e campus. The associations offer many different activities, ranging from dance to board games, from theatre to photography, and much more.


For more information: here

Religious Associations

For those searching for a community based around their faiths.


The TU/e is home to numerous religious associations where you can connect with students from the entire university, who share your faith.

FISO Associations

For connecting with people and associations who represent internationalisation, inclusivity, well-being, and religious groups at the TU/e. NOTE that this is an incomplete list, more groups can be found at the FISO website below.


For more information: here

Mental Health

Academic Advisor

Every study program has an academic advisor who knows everything about the program, the scheduling, the department, etc. For ways to plan your study program, study progress, catching up on lectures or exams because of illness, your choice of specializations and electives, please contact the department’s academic advisor. An academic advisor can also request students to come in based on study progress and he/she can also refer students to the student counsellor or psychologist.


Info: here

Study Counselor

For information about extra facilities, studying with special needs, additional exam time, (re-)enrolment.


Student counsellors provide information and advice about a range of matters (study grants, financial support due to study delay, enrolment, postponement of the BSA etc.) that are not directly related to the content of your study program. A student counsellor can advise you, act as an intermediary, or refer you. Even if you don’t know exactly what the matter is, it is often useful to have a conversation with a relative outsider. Gaining insight into a problematic situation can help clear things up.


For contact information: here

Student Sport Centre

For those looking to unwind and destress with some light exercise, which can also help relieve physical complaints such as back or neck aches.


The SSC offers events, courses, workshops and advise with as a goal to keep or make your body healthy and vital. The events variate from fit breaks and mindfulness to life style courses. Furthermore, they organize the annual Vitality Week to create awareness about the importance of vitality.


For more information: here

Student Psychologist

For professional help with personal problems, such as anxiety, gloominess, stress, relationship problems, mourning, amongst many other potential problems.


If you feel that one or more life issues are getting in the way of your study progress, you may be eligible to visit one of the student psychologists (first six sessions are free of charge). Topics that can be discussed with the student psychologist include the following: depressive complaints, anxiety issues like fear of failure, stress related issues and personal circumstances.


The student psychologists offer several courses for which you can register (e.g. Dealing with stress, stress and burnout prevention). For more information: here


You can register by making an online personal appointment (individual intake interview) with a student psychologist. Please state in the appointment text which course you want to take (e.g. intake interview SFC24 dealing with stress). During this interview, it will be determined whether the course is indeed suitable for your request for help.


For contact information: here

General Practitioner

For general health complaints, worries, or concerns.


It is strongly recommended that you register with a general practitioner upon your arrival in the Netherlands. The international office ( can help you with questions about health insurance and GPs in the Netherlands. If you wish to see your GP, you must make an appointment. Consultations are not free. If you wish to see a specialist you will need to be referred by your GP, so you must see your GP first. Please note that when visiting a GP, specialist, dentist or hospital, you will need to show your insurance papers.


For more information: here

113 Suicide Prevention

For confidential support in case you are experiencing suicidal thoughts.


113 Suicide Prevention is the national Dutch suicide prevention center (in both English and Dutch). They employ psychologists and psychiatrists and a large group of fully trained volunteers who allow them to provide round-the-clock confidential support through chats and phone calls. 113 works in close cooperation with the mental health institutes' crisis centers. Together, these professionals are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week across the Netherlands for crisis dialogues and psychological treatments.


For direct contact call: 113 or 0800-0113

For more information [NL]:


For in case you need help with your psychological health.


MIND is the umbrella organization for clients and family organizations in the mental health care. They play an important role in a variety of national organizations striving for a structural better position for everyone who has experience with phycological problems. They gather national information and events regarding mental health. Furthermore, they write national newsletters concerning mental health subjects.


For more information [NL]: here (NL)


Confidential Counsselor

For contact when you feel stuck on an academic level


Confidential Counsellors can help if there are any problems and/or conflicts between students and staff and/or with supervisors or teachers. They can offer support when filling in a formal complaint about undesirable behaviour. By undesirable behaviour is meant sexual intimidation, aggression, violence and intimidation, bullying and discrimination. There are three confidential advisors on the university. All confidential Counsellors are obliged to handle your story confidentially.


For contact information: here

Veilig Thuis (Safety at Home)

For advice and support regarding domestic violence and child abuse. Are you a victim, know someone who is (potentially) a victim, or are you abusive or violent yourself? You can call Veilig Thuis for advice and support regarding domestic violence and child abuse.


For children, young people, adults and the elderly. Whether you are a victim, know someone who is (potentially) a victim, or if you are abusive or violent yourself. Any form of abuse or violence is enough.


Veilig Thuis offers advice and support regarding domestic violence and child abuse. Veilig Thuis is there for you if you need help or are worried about someone else. Problems have often been going on for a long time and cannot be solved without the help of others. However, mere suspicions should be reported as well; For example, you think certain people or children are not safe, but you are not sure. Help is important, because violence will not end on its own. Someone has to take that first step!


You can call for advice or help. You will speak to one of their employees, who will carefully listen to your story. This person will answer questions and give advice. If you want or need to, you can remain anonymous.


You can call 0800-2000 (toll-free) for information, advice, or to submit a report. For further, less immediately urgent questions, you can call 088- 8006200.

For contact information [EN]:

For contact information [NL]:


Confidential Contact Persons

For confidential, student-to-student, contact. A low threshold conversation partner for when you don’t know who else to contact.


Have you experienced something unpleasant? Is there something bothering you? Or are you not feeling like your best self? Then let’s talk about it!


There are 24 trained students who serve as your confidential contact persons. Whether big or small, they are there to listen and help redirect you to the available support.


Student life at the TU/e can sometimes feel like a roller-coaster of experiences – we know! Sometimes you are loving it, and everything is going well, and other times you feel lost and don’t know how to make it better. Through these highs and lows we want to encourage you to talk about it. We are your peer listeners and can help you figure out what the best next steps are and who to contact for support.


Whether you just want to chat, want help in contacting a professional, or would like some help with understanding what you can do, we are here. We will listen and support you in taking the necessary next steps. And it goes without saying that whatever you share will remain completely confidential. So chose a contact person that you think you will vibe with best and let’s talk about it!


More information and a video about CCPs can be found on Guidance and development (

Addiction and Harassment


For any questions relate to sex, STIs, or safe sex in general.


Sense, for everything you may need or want to know about sex, love, relationships, and more!


For contact information [EN]:

For contact information [NL]:

Drugs Info

On the website of drugs info you can find information about drugs of all sorts. If you have questions or want to chat about drugs, you can contact them as well.


For contact information [NL]: here (NL)

Confidential Counsselor

For problems with undesirable behaviour, such as discrimination, racism, (sexual) intimidation, bullying, or aggression.


The confidential counsellors can advise and help with problems and/or conflicts between students, staff, and/or supervisors. They are there to help anyone at the university who is confronted with undesirable or unwelcome behaviour. In addition, they can offer support when filing a formal complaint.


For more information: here

Sexual Assault Center (Centrum Seksueel Geweld)

For help if you have experienced sexual harassment. Have you been sexually assaulted or raped? Do you need help or do you have any questions? They can help and are there for you day and night.


At the Sexual Assault Center, a team of doctors, nurses, police officers, psychologists, social workers and sex therapists work together to provide specialist care to victims of sexual assault and rape. Ideally, they like to provide professional help within seven days after the event, as this time frame reduces the chances of medical and psychological issues considerably. The police also have a much better chance of finding the perpetrator if forensic investigations are carried out within a week of the event.


Call sexual assault center and they will put you in touch with a center nearby. It is important that you contact them as soon as possible after the assault or rape so that they can help you as best they can. Everything you discuss with them is treated confidentially. You can reach them by telephone 24 hours a day by calling: 0800-0188.


For contact information [EN]:

For contact information [NL]:

Novadic Kentron

For help if you are concerned that you may have an addiction. Are you experiencing problems because of an addiction to alcohol, drugs, medication, gambling or gaming? Novadic Kentron offers a new chance at a happier and healthier life.


At Novadic Kentron, they focus on your personal strengths and on what you want and can do for yourself. You are in charge of your own life. Novadic Kentron is there to support you to reach your goals. There is help available for treatments but also support from experienced workers.


Novadic Kentron is a dynamic organisation with loyal, professional, and involved staff members. Whether it is about prevention, short or specialized treatments, or intensive care and guidance, Novadic Kentron is there for you.


For contact information [NL]: