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Recorded events

Welcome to the Audio & Visuals page of CHEOPS. On this page you can find some of the audio & visuals made by the Media Committee for CHEOPS as well as for the sub associations and the faculty.  

Exam trainings

Dimensioning of Structures Exam Training

On the January 29 of 2024, we organized a Exam Training for the course Dimensioning of Structures (7PPX0). Multiple tutors were there to help with the last checkup before the exam.

The documents that are discussed in the training can be found here: Files Exam Training



Statics of Structures Exam Training

On the January 23 of 2024, we organized a Exam Training for the course Statics of Structures (7S1B10). Multiple tutors were there to help with the last checkup before the exam.

The documents that are discussed in the training can be found here: Files Exam Training



Education Table

Education Table 2022

On the 19th of January we hosted the Educational Table together with Jacob Voorthuis .This conversation had the goal of stimulating students to share their visions on what is important to them in our curriculum.




In Dialogue With... (2020-2021)

During this small symposium, Rayaan Ajouz from Bouwen met Staal and Joey Janssen from Octatube will give a talk about their work with parametric design. Of course there is the possibility to ask questions, or to start a discussion: keep the conversation on parametric design going! This event is a collaboration between CHEOPS and KOers.



Lustrum Symposium ReWired & Podcasts

ReWired: A podcast with Dr. Ir. Philippe Samyn

Welcome to the first podcast in the ReWired series. This podcast is about Polar Architecture. You are listening to Philippe Samyn, Frederiek Prins and Wilke Schellens. Enjoy listening!



ReWired: A podcast with Dr. Ir. Paul Chan

Welcome to the second podcast in the ReWired series. This podcast is about Building methods, Technologies and AI. You are listening to Paul Chan, Wilke Schellens, Floor de Jonge and Frederiek Prins. Enjoy listening!



ReWired: A podcast with Dr. Lindsay McCunn

Welcome to the third podcast in the ReWired series. This podcast is about Sense of Place. You are listening to Lindsay McCunn, Annemieke van Harten, Wilke Schellens and Frederiek Prins. Enjoy listening!



ReWired: A podcast with Nadia van den Boogaard- van Wijnen

Welcome to the fourth podcast in the ReWired series. This podcast is about Renovation products in relation to sustainability. You are listening to Nadia van den Boogaard and Annemieke van Harten. Enjoy listening!



ReWired: A podcast with Hugh Broughton

Welcome to the final podcast in the ReWired series. This podcast is about Polar architecture. You are listening to Hugh Broughton, Frederiek Prins and Wilke Schellens. Enjoy listening!



CHEOPS Symposium: Rewired (Ren Yee & Marco Vermeulen)

For the 7th lustrum of study association CHEOPS of the Built Environment Rewired is organized. Rewired is a week full of podcasts and a closing livestream. This livestream features Ren Yee of UNSense and Marco Vermeulen of Studio Marco Vermeulen.



7th Lustrum of CHEOPS

7th Lustrum Opening

Check out the amazing official Lustrum Opening video! It was a lustrum to remember. Big thanks to everyone that was a participant and/or organized the activities!



7th Lustrum Aftermovie

It was in the beginning of november when the seventh Lustrum of CHEOPS started started. Despite the forever changing COVID-19 measurements and, the hard winds that blew away our pyramides, we had an amazing time and we hope you did too. Luckily, our amazing Media Committee created this awesome video for us so we can always relive the amazing moments we had during this Lustrum. Enjoy!